UnaCare is a specialized products for postoperative care, cosmetic care (grooming) for animals, which includes Advanced and Basic recovery suits, UNACone Elizabethan collar, disposable muzzles, etc.

Elizabethan cone Unacone

Elizabethan cone Unacone

Basic recovery suit

Basic recovery suit

Disposable muzzle UNAMuzzle

Disposable muzzle UNAMuzzle


All UnaCare products have been tested in veterinary clinics around the world, all the wishes of veterinary medicine specialists, groomers, as well as animal owners were taken into account.

You don't not need to change it when you go for a walk with your animal, and many products are multifunctional and can be used not only, for example, during recovery after treatment, but also in various everyday situations. By choosing UnaCare products, you not only care about the health of your animal, but also protect the environment. The materials from which the products are made are recyclable.
The main task of UnaCare is to provide maximum comfort to the animal in various life situations. UnaCare products have their own original design and a wide range of colors. They only vaguely resemble medical devices, some of which she is, and more like designer clothes.

Create maximum comfort for your animal with us!
